May 26, 2016
Kansas City was blasted with nasty weather today starting in the early afternoon. There were periods of wind, hail, and tons of rain. It wasn’t long until the tornado sirens started going off and reports of unconfirmed touchdowns started coming in. MCI our airport was temporarily evacuated due to the threat of tornadoes in the area. There were thousands without power and a lot of tree damage around the city.
Below are some pics taken from my front porch and backyard. (MidwestBeachBums HQ)
And then crazy amounts of rain came in and caused Flash Flood warnings throughout the city. It has been raining here for days and is expected to continue through the holiday weekend.
Our new grass seed and dirt work washing down the driveway into the street! F#@% !!!
We were lucky and had only some small hail at The Beach Bums estate.
This sweet girl (Dixie) hates rainy weather and was by my side the entire time. She was definitely as stressed as she looks!
(Hutch) on the other hand didn’t mind a bit as long as he got a belly rub.