We left Kansas City for a quick four day trip to Arkansas for the Thanksgiving holiday. After getting a late start leaving we hit a ton of traffic on our way out. Traffic was literally at a stand still!
The dreaded 0 miles per hour!
Traffic finally lightened up and we were off. We stopped for the all important road snacks, found some old school hip hop and started making up time.
We stopped just before the state line to load up on beer since much of Arkansas is dry. Darkness came quick and the majority of our drive was done in the dark. After 5.5 hours we made it safely to our destination. Day 2 (Thanksgiving) came quick and we were able to enjoy some awesome food and great company.
Below are a few of the furry friends that were present for Thanksgiving.

The food was great! (forgot to get pictures of the spread)

After stuffing our faces we chilled out and had a few beers while watching football and catching up with family. Later in the evening we played poker and a card game with the nephews ( LOW SCUM ). Overall a great day with amazing food. We waddled out of there about 9 pm and headed back to our hotel. Tomorrow we are headed to Eureka Springs!