An untouched coconut has three layers. The outermost layer, which is typically smooth with a greenish color, is called the exocarp. The next layer is the fibrous husk, or mesocarp, which ultimately surrounds the hard woody layer called the endocarp. The endocarp surrounds the seed. Generally speaking, when you buy a coconut at the supermarket the exocarp and the mesocarp are removed and what you see is the endocarp.

Every bit of the coconut is used. As a result, coconuts produce drinks, fiber, food, fuel, utensils, musical instruments, and much more.
It usually takes 11 -12 months for the coconut to mature.
Coconuts are known for their great versatility, as evidenced by many traditional uses, ranging from food to cosmetics. They form a regular part of the diets of many people in the tropics and subtropics. Coconuts are distinct from other fruits for their large quantity of water “juice” and when immature.

The coconut palm thrives on sandy soils and is highly tolerant of the salt water. It prefers areas with abundant sunlight and regular rainfall which makes colonizing shorelines of the tropics relatively straightforward. Coconut palms require warm conditions and high humidity for successful growth, and are intolerant of cold weather.
Health Benefits of Coconuts
Modern medicine has also found coconuts nutritionally beneficial because they’re loaded with naturally sterile electrolytes, which feed your pH and muscle function. They have a high fiber content, which makes you feel full longer and helps regulate elimination. Coconuts are rich in lauric acid, which converts to monolaurin.They also offer high levels of manganese, potassium, and phosphorus.
There are so many uses for the coconut and the palm tree that is called – The TREE Of LIFE –

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